Antisplit-G2 APK

Antisplit-G2 APK

Antisplit-G2 APK

Developer: {Unavailable}

Downloads: 11

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Anti Split-G2 is an application for reassembling/converting APKs files to APK.

How to use:

Download and install this application
We download any application we need, which cannot be extracted in the usual way.APK file (SAI will tell you if the application consists of Split files);
Creating a backup / exporting the desired application via SAI;
Open AntiSplit and look for our exported file with the format .apks;
We start the reassembly process by tapping on the file;
After completing the build, go to the folder where our .apks file was located, in the same folder there will be a .apk file with the same name;
The application can handle not all apk files, but most.
